Dearest Valentine

$30.00 Double Fan


Dearest Valentine

Dearest Valentine (Zimmerman 2018) has cerise rose pink blooms with a light pink watermark, cream/gold edge, and yellow to green throat. A dormant tet, this cultivar blooms ML on 25 inch scapes. A terrific rebloomer, some fans have three cycles of bloom. Bud count is 16 (range of 13-19) on three way branching. In my climate the bright blooms always open well. Dearest Valentine is a reluctant, but not impossible, pod parent. The pollen is potent and is producing some pretty babies. (Shores of Time x Rosy Rhino)

Contact Info

Debra's Daylilies
1400 McAlpine Ave.
Nashville, TN 37216
Lily Auction Username:lilipod

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